Phiten Star Sport 18 White Titanium Necklace

Phiten Star Sport 18 White Titanium Necklace - Are you looking for where to buy Phiten Star Sport 18 White Titanium Necklace, if yes you need to read our Phiten Star Sport 18 White Titanium Necklace review to find more information and avoiding scam products.

Product Description:
New Phiten Star Sport 18 White Titanium Necklace.We carry all colors and sizes.

Product Details:

  • Brand new in box!

Customer Reviews:

These are great! By Big O
I had back pain for about a year. After seeing these necklaces being worn by a ton of Major League Baseball players I decided to give one of these a try. Next thing I knew, my back pain was gone. Coincidence? Maybe. But, when I forget to put it back on after a shower I sometimes feel pain again. These are very light weight and comfortable. Highly recommended.

Fewer Aches and Pains By J. Kupiec
I am a chronic sufferer of back and neck pain. An accident several years ago left me with a fractured vertebrae and more pain than I know how to deal with. I watch a lot of baseball on TV and saw a lot of players wearing this and decided to give it a try. This product(along with a weekly workout regimen) has helped me deal with and exceed my own standards of pain tolerance. I don't know whether it's a mind-over-matter type of experience, but at this point, I don't really care. If you deal with aches and pains similar to these, I would definitely give this a try.

I can't believe it but it really seems to work! By A. Bennett
I bought this titanium necklace just to try one more alternative treatment for my joint pains and was really pleasantly surprised. It seems to be actually helping. I take tons of supplements and use magnets as well as the Q-ray ring/bracelet but this is the first item that seemed to immediately help decrease the pain in my joints. I'll have to see how it fairs as time goes by but if constantly wearing a rather ugly necklace is the price to pay, so be it. I can't say it'll help everyone who tries it but it definitely seems to be relieving my joint pains. Yehhhhh.....something that REALLY works!!
Well, a few years have passed since this review and of course, now that I look back on things in 2008, I realize I was successfully losing weight and had lost a total of 50 pounds at the same time that I was trying out the necklace so maybe it was the weight loss and not the necklace that resolved my knee pain. I am not sure which helped or if both worked in tandem. I just know that I have gained weight back due to thyroid problems and my knee pain has returned some what again but I no longer own this necklace since it seemed to completely cure the knee pain I had back then. For now, I am working on losing weight again since I am now on thyroid medicine and I will prove one way or the other which treatment really helped with the joint pain.

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